Saturday, March 2, 2013

Almost a Month Later

I said I would be back to give some thoughts on the 30 Day Challenge, and I'm finally getting around to it! Yay!

I had my first non-soy latte today since the start of this thing. It tastes weird!

Overall I think this has been a really positive experience. I think people hear the term vegan and they get this immediate mental picture of a tree-hugging hippie living in a VW bus and eating giant bowls of "yard clippings". Or at least that's what I used to see. In reality, it's just a more sustainable, "healthy" way to eat and live. It's not easy, but it's also not that hard.

Since the challenge ended and going forward, I won't be calling myself a vegan. I'm aiming more for a "plant-based diet". I read that term somewhere recently (couldn't tell you where) and it clicked with me. I want the majority of my fuel (calories) to come from plants. I'm going to give in to the occasional dairy product, and I'm not going to stress over whether the salad I just ordered is going to have eggs in the dressing. I'm going to eat sushi. I love sushi! But I expect I'll continue to shop like a vegan. Most of the "cheating" is going to be when we go out to eat or on special occasions when we cook for friends or eat at a friend's house. I guess if you want to get hung up on words, technically that will make me a pescatarian.

I have more thoughts, but I'm out of time for the moment. Pesky work-Saturdays!