Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 15-16

I apologize for falling off the blogger cliff this week. I don't know what's gotten into me. I can't remember if I had breakfast this morning, so recapping all my meals for the past two days just isn't going to happen.

I think we had Moe's for dinner on Wednesday.

Yesterday I had a blueberry scone and a banana for breakfast, oatmeal for lunch, another banana as a snack, and a cheesesteak sandwich with no steak and no cheese from the bowling alley cafe (it's right next door to my work) for dinner since I was working late. Those sandwiches are amazing, btw. It goes to show that you really can find vegan food just about anywhere. Most restaurants have the ingredients, you just have to find someone willing to put them together for you.

I've been avoiding my kitchen lately because it depresses me. I have weeks where all I can think about is my giant kitchen in my house in California, with brand new appliances that I picked out, and more counter space than I knew what to do with. Then I look at my tiny galley kitchen in our rental and I get depressed and have no desire to cook. It's a phase and it will pass and honestly, my hands are itching to get in there and bake or make a stir-fry or something.

I'm promising myself that I'll get in there this weekend and make those blueberry muffins before my fresh blueberries go bad. And I want vegan cupcakes. The idea just intrigues me, even though they'll be bad for my waistline.

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