Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day One Dinner

I survived! Day one is almost done and I'm not starving or grossed out or discouraged. I'd call that a success.

For dinner we had Avocado and White Bean Burritos from the Student's Go Vegan Cookbook. It was just mashed up fresh avocado, mashed up canned white beans, store-bought salsa, and fresh arugula on flour tortillas. I did add some technically non-vegan veggie shredded cheese on top. It has milk-derived protein, which I didn't realize when I bought it, but honestly I'm doing this to avoid dairy and I don't really consider that dairy. Anyway, the burritos were sooooo good. I made 2 extra so we can take them to work for lunch tomorrow (no "salad" from bk for me!). We also took 2 of the tortillas and cut them up and toasted them to make tortilla chips.

Avocado & White Bean Burritos

After dinner I made some Banana Chocolate Chip "ice cream" from Raw Energy: 124 Raw Food Recipes for Energy Bars, Smoothies, and Other Snacks to Supercharge Your Body

I didn't make it with strictly raw ingredients, but it was a great starting point for a vegan ice-cream-type dessert. I used dairy-free chocolate and roasted cashews instead of raw chocolate and raw cashews, but I otherwise stuck to the recipes. I haven't tried it yet, it's in the freezer now. I may have a spoonful before bed though!

I also made something for breakfast tomorrow. Apple, Raisin, Cinnamon muffins from the Allergy-Free Cookbook.  This is an awesome cookbook I checked out from the library, but I may have to buy a copy. It's full of normal, everyday recipes, with substitutions for nuts, dairy, and/or gluten. When I want to turn something vegan, all I have to do is follow the dairy substitute ideas (and obviously avoid the meat recipes) and I can leave in the gluten and nuts! Very handy, very versatile cookbook! However, I may have to alter this recipe next time. The dough was extremely dry. I had to add an extra splash of soy milk just to get it all combined. They didn't settle into the muffin pan well, and I'd rather bake them a few minutes longer to get a better muffin shape next time. I'll let you know how they taste tomorrow!

Apple, Raisin, Cinnamon Muffins
Edited to say: I left out the best part! The muffin recipe called for "apples unpeeled, shredded" and I literally laughed out loud. I did *not* shred my apples. I chopped them pretty small. I don't know if that had anything to do with the dough being very dry, but yeah.. shredded apples. smh.

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