Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 3

Old Fashioned Oatmeal with Brown Sugar & Raisins
That looks like breakfast, but it was actually lunch for me today. Sleep won out this morning and I grabbed a muffin as I made a mad dash out the door. I walked in to work at precisely 9:30, but I soon got distracted and ended up only eating half my muffin. Ah well, welcome to my typical morning routine!

My stomach was protesting loudly by 1pm, so I added water and heated up my oatmeal in the microwave. I'm glad I put paper towels under it, because even though I put the tupperware lid over it (not sealed, just resting) the oatmeal bubbled over. That drives me nuts! I guess I'm going to have to reduce the power or get a bigger bowl next time.

Tonight's dinner could be one of many things. I've got ingredients for Two Potato Soup, Vegetable Stew, spaghetti with mushroom marinara and fake ground beef. Or we might try eating out somewhere since we're planning on going to the movies.

I'm not sure how I feel about the fake ground beef. I wanted to try it just because, but it kind of goes against the purpose of being vegan. If you're just going to replace meat with a chemical substance that tastes like meat, what's the point? Thoughts like this lead me to believe it would be more logical to be a vegetarian. When you can eat a veggie burger held together with eggs, I think that's a win over a vegan burger held together with some kind of laboratory created substance.

Part of the reason I've decided to cut out dairy and eggs for now is because I don't like the way dairy cows and chickens are treated. Yesterday, a friend of mine told me about a farm that isn't too far away that raises their cows, pigs, chickens, and hens the old fashioned way. On their website it even says, "Cows eat grass, chickens eat bugs, pigs root around outside." I think I need a shirt that says that! I want to go check them out sometime, but if/when I'm ready to start incorporating eggs back into my diet, I want them to come from a farm like this. They even come to the farmer's market here during the summer and fall, so I'm thinking they might be a very feasible option for guilt-free eggs.

Edited to say:
We've decided on Moe's for dinner. I'm probably getting the Art Vandalay (vegetarian burrito) with rice, black beans, lettuce, corn salsa, mushrooms, onions, black olives, and guac. Josh likes something similar but he added tofu last time. It was pretty good! I honestly don't even miss the sour cream or cheese that I used to get, and I sure don't miss the calories.

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