Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 5

Sorry, no pictures today. 

Breakfast was 2 pieces of 100% whole wheat toast with a little bit of Earth Balance spread. I was going to have peanut butter, but I decided bland was better.

For lunch we went to Moe's again. We were doing a little shopping in the same shopping center, so it just made sense. I had two tofu soft tacos with rice, black beans, lettuce, corn salsa, cucumber, and black olives. Josh got his usual homewrecker with tofu. I'm ridiculously glad we have a quick place to eat that we already loved.

For dinner I made Chilean Two-Potato Soup. It's sort of chili-like. One white potato, half a sweet potato, corn, diced green chilies, diced onion, garlic, red kidney beans, cumin, thyme, salt, cayenne pepper, and vegetable broth. I really liked it as far as soups go. Much better than anything from a can, but that's not saying much. It will be great for lunch tomorrow, since the temp isn't expected to get above 36 degrees.

Side note: I had planned to make some quinoa cornbread to go with two different soups, but our kroger didn't have quinoa. Or rather, they had only one package and it was in the specialty foods section and was like $15, which is INSANE. I meant to stop by the commissary and pick some up, and I totally forgot until I was getting the ingredients out to make the cornbread. Oh well, maybe I'll remember to pick some up before I make the veggie stew later this week.

We should be about ready for another shopping trip by Tuesday or Wednesday. I want to find another muffin recipe because those have been great for Josh in the mornings. He has about as much time for breakfast as I usually do, and portability means he'll actually eat breakfast. I have a feeling we'll be doing more soups and stews this week since the weather is going to be brutally cold for the next 10 days.

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